Wednesday, January 31, 2007

SSR – Eragon, con’t.

January 31st, 2007
ELA9 Mrs. LaMotte
Elizabeth Selinger

Brom had been sliced between his ribs by the Ra’zac, and later he passes on, but reveals to Eragon that he was one of the last Riders. He was the one who stole Saphira’s egg from King Galbatorix and killed Morzan, the King’s second-in-command. Murtagh decides to accompany Eragon and Saphira from then on and they set off to find the Varden. He also gives Eragon information that his sword, Zar’roc, was Morzan’s before Brom killed him. Along the way they encounter Durza the Shade (a Shade is a dark sorcerer) and rescue Arya, an elven maiden who had been tortured relentlessly in Durza’s prison for information.

Now, the Empire’s soldiers are chasing them, and they begin to cross the expansive, blistering Hadarac Desert. The elf Arya is still unconscious and her condition is getting worse as they start to trek the monstrous Beor Mountains. Finally, Eragon is able to contact Arya through his mind and she tells him they must get to the Varden so she can be cured, and reveals to him to path to reach it. As the group travels they must fight off a gathering of slavers,

[Note: Apologies, the Eldest summary could not be included. Before I was finished reading the book, it had to be returned to the public library, because there was a waiting list and I could only keep it for so long. Instead, the following is an SSR assignment for Blister, a small book I read after realizing I wouldn’t be able to use Eldest.]

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