Thursday, February 1, 2007

My Life Powerpoint

color · thatblue/greendarkturquoisecolor butmoreonthegreenishside
food · italian, east indian, japanese, mexican, swiss...
drink · chocolate milk, water, lemonade, smoothies ^-^
bands · Damone, Senses Fail, Hedley, A&A, blink-182, SOAD, Evanescence, Maroon 5, Keane, Jet, P!ATD, Linkin Park, The Ramones, Billy Talent
movies · The Notebook, H&K go to White Castle, Napoleon Dynamite, Mean Girls, Snow White, Ghost Ship, Titanic...
song · Justin Timberlake's "FutureSex/LoveSounds"
month · November
day · Friday
pie · blueberry or apple, depending on my mood
holiday · Christmas
number · 11
books · HP series by JKR, Angels & Demons by Dan Brown
subject · English Language Arts
season · autumn
animal · penguin
actors · Jude Law, Rupert Grint, Adam Brody, Liam Aiken
actresses · Michelle Trachtenberg, Reese Witherspoon, Kirsten Dunst, Rachel McAdams
male artists · Sean Paul, John Mayer, James Blunt, Bobby Darin, Justin Timberlake, Usher
female artists · Aly & AJ, Shania Twain, Aselin Debisontv series · Family Guy, 6teen, House M.D., Canadian Idol, How I Met Your Mother, Gilmore Girls, Sex and the City, The O.C., entourage

first movie ever · Disney's Snow White first
limo · auntie's wedding, I was a flower girl.
first type of music remember hearing · Grandpa's guitar and him singing "Train Whistle Blowing".
first username · tencea.
first sleepover experience · Marlene & Carolina when I was 3 or 4, who now live in Guatemala O.o
first formal outfit · my baptism at 2 weeks old lol.
first favorite outfit · matching purple&white kitty outfit ^^;
first concert · never :'(first piercing · both ears at age 6 months.
first funeral · great-grandpa George.
first CD · Spice Girls.
first pet · Cuddles the cat.
first job · paper route XD.
first big travel · Anaheim, Calif. (Disneyland!).
first car · not yet ;)
first names for future childses · James & Emily, also December & Autumn for girls, and boys names for girls are cute.

× is l o v e ·
·reading & writing & running & food & picwhoring & Harry Potter & Angels&Demons & all fantasy & movies & Gilmore Girls & ANTM & Family Guy & Entourage & The OC & Adam Brody & Brendan Urie & penguins & cell phones & friends & family & Christmas & shopping & shoes & clothes & giggles & my futon & shweet lamps & piano & percussion & violin & New Apostolic Church & earrings & imagination & Photoshop & traveling & Disneyland & cheese & late nights & rain & hyperness & coffee & YouTube & The Notebook & Happy Feet & Memoirs of a Geisha & Mean Girls & The Incredibles & POTC & Dirty Dancing: HN & Napoleon Dynamite & the library & humidifiers & sleep & Junior Achievement & lunch hour & the[love]bus & subconscious & minds+thoughts & lip gloss & earrings & band & fairytales & Disney

× is e w w ·
·coconut & cantaloupe & honeydew & avocado & peppers & bugs & tAlkIn lyk dIS!!!11 & physical pain & nails on chalkboards & homework & embarrassment & failure & being late & public speaking & being grounded & violence & fighting/arguing & swimming for too long & nosebleeds & bad breath & no chocolate

× t u n a g e ·
·P!ATD & blink-182 & Jack's Mannequin & FOB & OK GO & The Veronicas & Rihanna & John Mayer & Maroon 5 & SOAD & Billy Talent & Anti-Flag & Justin Timberlake & Aly&AJ & AAR & Ciara & Akon & Damone & Evanescence & Hedley & Pussycat Dolls & Sean Paul & TBS & Yellowcard & Jet & Mozella & Michael Buble & Good Charlotte & The Used

Shopping, graphic design, reading, writing, RPG, jogging, photography, picture-whoring, chatting, my cell phone <33,>

I like reading and writing, of course, and I might want to have a future career in writing (journalism has been suggested among other things). Another very prominent interest and activity I enjoy is playing the piano. This year, I hope to pass my grade six practical exam, which, as I’ve mentioned, will earn me credits for high school as I’ve already completed the grade one rudiments of theory exam that goes along with it. I take one-hour lessons once a week, which (for this year and the last) have totaled up to be $1100 a year. My piano lessons have benefited for the church I go to, which is most definitely my largest interest. I’ve been playing the organ for the New Apostolic Church since I was about ten, though last year was the first year I began to play with the organ pedals, because I began taking organ lessons. My religion and church are the most important things in my life; I grew up in the church and was baptized and sealed as a baby. This coming April I am going to be confirmed. The confirmation is an enormous deal, it means that I can make my own decisions to come to church and basically that I am responsible for myself and am an adult in the congregation. Some of the interests I have that may not be as obvious as the ones I’ve already mentioned are graphic design and history. With my hobby of going on the computer, I started teaching myself to use the Adobe Photoshop 6.0 program to design and manipulate graphic art, (mainly to use as signatures in forums and etc.) and I really enjoy it and believe that I’ve gotten very good at designing and creating graphics. Only recently did I learn how to do animation, so I’m still working on that. Then there’s my interest in history, which my grandpa largely introduced me to. He enjoys reading a lot, like myself, and took an interest in reading on the history of the royal family in England. You would be amazed at how intriguing it all is, it’s almost like fiction, and though I’m not very learned on any of the history in England or anywhere else in the world, my interest has been sparked. A few other activities I enjoy are cooking, basketball, tennis, bike riding, and I just found out that I may enjoy volleyball a little more than I thought I did. A little interest I have to add, too, is genetics/DNA. In grade six and seven I took some books out of the school library on genetics, though there aren’t very many, and I learned a lot about chromosomes, how our DNA works, how molecules produce more molecules, etc. I’d love to learn more on that topic, though I haven’t looked into it much further.

Pets: Pumpkin Pie Kanevil, Angel, loads of fish, Teddy, Meeko, Silver, Cuddles

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