Wednesday, February 7, 2007

Mayans powerpoint info

Social Structure
- kingdoms - capital city & neighborhood with lesser towns
- royal court, everything focused especially around royal family
- cities were basically enormous royal households
- slaves were used for sacrifice
- lower beings' spaces were built around the royal temples & etc.
- peasant workers did work for building projects
- increased burden of work may have caused lower class Mayans to revolt against the elite

Religion and Values
- cyclical nature of time
- hundreds/thousands of celestial/terrestrial cycles
- cycles were all observed and written as separate calendars (infinite duration)
- Maya shaman intrepeted cycles and prophesizated the future or past based on calendars
- if prophecized of bad times, then sacrifices were made
- sacrifices: small animals: chickens, "bloodletting" by high officials, human sacrifices
- heaven, earth, underworld
- heaven: 13 different layers for various gods
- underworld: Xibalbá, 9 layers, aged Maya gods of death and putrefaction. final resting place of souls, gods would torment any one there
- night sky: window showing all supernatural activities, constellations of gods, narratives, intersection of all possible worlds
- Maya gods: not separate like Greek, rather merged with eachother
- good & evil aren't permanent characteristics, and not only good is admirable
- inappropriateness of something changes through seasons, because tradition based on cycles

- Maize (Corn) God - major god, model of life
- Maya bodily ideal is based on young Maize God, seen in artwork

- universe - flat & square but infinite in area
- worshipped the circle (balancing of forces)
- symbols: swastika, perfect cross

- 260-day calender, the tzolkin, used to determine important activites relating gods & humans
- date which born determines fate through life
- 365 day solar calender, the haab, recorded moon and Venus

- rituals, practice a lot of bloodletting
- thorn-studded ropes through tongues, human sacrifice - low social status like slaves sacrificed on tops of pyramids

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