Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Science Project

Written Project Plan

Date Project is Due:
March 8th, 2007

Name of Student Scientist:
Elizabeth Selinger

1. Investigative Question(s) – problem to be solved.
What is the purpose of your experiment?
Does microwaved water affect plant growth compared to regular water (over the course of one month)?

2. a. Hypothesis – based on Investigative Question, written in future tense.

b. “If… then… “ statement of the Hypothesis.
If a plant is watered with only microwaved water, then it will have slightly retarded growth and/or other bad side effects.

3. Materials – List Materials needed (vertically, not in a sentence)
- 2 identical pots of soil
- 2 plant seeds of the same type
- window(s) with room for both pots to get the same amount of sunlight
- a microwave
- water (preferably a water source where the water will have close to the same things in it every time used) (will use Culligan water)
- measuring cup
- tape/adhesive

4. Procedure – Numbered, step by step instructions.
1) Place pots of soil in (close to) identical positions near window
2) Use tape/adhesive to secure pots in place
3) Plant 1 seed per pot
4) Take 1 picture of each plant (overhead view)
5) Record observations
6) Measure 2 amounts of water (a and b), exactly the same amount
7) Microwave water (a) for 3 minutes
8) Pour water (a) into plant 1 and water (b) into plant 2
9) Repeat steps 4 – 8 once per day

5. Identify the “Control” (conditions or materials that stay the same) for your experiment.
The controls in this experiment will be: the type of seed, amount of sunlight, amount of water, size and type of pot, [anything else except condition of water].

6. Identify the “Variable” (conditions or materials that change; only change one thing at a time) for your experiments.
The only variable will be the water condition; for one plant the water will have been microwaved, for the other the water will be basically untouched.

7. Attach sample data sheets you will use to record your data (sketches, log, chart, etc.).

Day 1
Day 2
Plant 1




Plant 2





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